right between + left between
P-6 paper pulp from UT Document solutions, joint compound, glue, flour, ultramarine pigment, steel
These two works are a pair of casts of my back pockets made of paper clay. The objects are thin vivid blue shells, impressions of my body merged with the items I carry. The pockets are a means of implying a presence though an absence. A pocket is an intimate space, an external container pressed up against your body. Sitting at the border between the public face of your clothes and the private surface of your skin, the pocket acts as an interface or guide between private and public space. What you keep in your pockets is what you need to function in public. Items related to mobility, consumption, identity, security, leisure, work, memory… society requires that we internalize these external things. What you are capable of carrying— containing within the bounds of your body— determines how you can function in society. You can never escape the need for things external to your person, your body is never enough.
From 'Occupied' at grayDuck Gallery, Austin, TX. Photos by Scott David Gordon