Longing we say
cardboard, plastic, resin, water putty. 2015
58” x 2.5” x 36”
The gestures of the yellow forms are indexed to the outline of my body stretching. I think of stretching as a way of feeling the extent of one's body in space. These objects function as a record of limits; the limits and extension of my body, touch and attention, the limits of ability and the scale of my hands and reach. They are an embodiment of reaching as an effort to span a distance.
The floor is covered in plastic tarp stretched taut from wall to wall. The plastic is an easily permeable barrier, a layer of protection the direction of which is unclear. Is it protecting the floor from the objects, or the objects from the floor or a flood? This thin plastic skin makes you aware of the way your feet are touching the floor as well as the objects touching the walls and floor. The dark object, made of cloth and latex paint is a surrogate horizon line easily stepped on or over but still acting to divide the space, it can unroll to 75ft.