Measuring the distance as if it were the essence of being close

latex house paint, cardboard, single channel video 3m loop. 2017

Dimensions variable: tallest object is hung at 114”, smallest object measures 12” x 8” x 6”

These objects are made using poured sheets of latex house paint, a material made from the process of liquid leveling. The paint used is color-matched to swatches of blue sent from friends and family living far away. Each new color and object made from that color then becomes embedded with a reciprocal care from and for faraway loved ones, another means of spanning a distance. The swimsuits are overlaid with a video projection of dappled sunlight and shadows filmed on a sheet of the same paint. The video creates a subtle feeling of the outdoors in the gallery which then clearly dissolves into pixels upon closer inspection.

Installed in Trouble, 2017 MFA Thesis Show, Visual Arts Center, Austin, TX 




Feeling the weight